Dear friends!

We cordially invite You for the 11th time to be part of the International Conference of Consumer Technology in Berlin (“ICCE-Berlin”). ICCE-Berlin is part of the IFA fair, the leading consumer trade show.

Lots of changes to ICCE-Berlin 2021!

This year we have a web conference

The Place Where Visions Start, the Place Where Visions Materialize!

The conference brings together researchers and engineers from industry, research centres, and academia to exchange information and results of recent work on systems, circuits, technologies, processes, and applications. In addition, it provides an excellent forum for the researchers, developers, and service providers to share their ideas, designs and experiences in such a proper environment as the IFA (https://www.ifa-berlin.com/).

And as the forum that follows and brings changes, we have to announce a new change in the name – “electronics” becomes “technologies”.

We invite you to be a part of this diverse community, to be at the source of future trends and to brainstorm, network, and help visions hit the road to reality!

This year again the IEEE CE Society, soon to be Consumer Technologies Society, is joining forces with other IEEE societies, VDE, and IFA to broaden and strengthen the CT subjects and scope of the conference. The conference will continue tradition of the world’s leading experts giving keynote speeches, high quality tutorials, panel discussions, workshops, tutorials, and products and prototype demonstration, social events, and fun. We are preparing a galore of surprises, which we will gradually reveal as the date draws closer, so bookmark this page and visit often.

Eagerly waiting to see you again or meet you for the first time.

The ICCE BERLIN 2021 Organizing Team


Dr. Akihiko K. Sugiyama

Yahoo! JAPAN Research, Japan

Easy and Lazy Technical Writing for Scientists and Engineers, - A step-by-step approach to build a solid logic

Dr. Hidehito Gomi

Senior Chief Researcher, Yahoo! JAPAN Research, Yahoo Japan Corporation, Japan

Yahoo Japan’s journey to passwordless world, - current status and future challenges

Dr. Alberto Cannavò

Department of Control and Computer Engineering and VR@POLITOPolitecnico di Torino

Consumer Electronics for Immersive Experiences: Creation and Use of Graphics Assets in Virtual Reality


We are in final count-down for the ICCE-Berlin. As the date draws closer, we get more excited! Here you will find updated information.

      1. Venue - Cyberspace

      2. Program - see the program here.

      3. Registration - Authors - through link "registration". This registration is mandatory for the authors which want their papers to be included in submission to IEEE Xplore, which is subject to IEEE policy.
When: 15 - 18 November 2021.

Submit your paper here before the deadline of 8th october

Register here before the deadline of 15th of November

Follow the live conference through this link

REGISTER NOW Registration Info

Main sessions - Core topics

Boundaries between disciplines are breached and CE is a perfect example of multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary, and cross-technology work in action. The seed starts in fundamental sciences, nurtured via tools, management, units and empowered by services and systems, tailored by needs and desires, until it matures to off the shelf products. In this light topics include, but are not limited to the following:

Security and Privacy of CE Hardware and Software Systems

Papers and presentations covering security and privacy aspects and giving solutions and ideas to improve these aspects in consumer technologies.

Consumer Power and Energy

Papers and presentations covering aspects of energy management for consumer devices. This includes, but not limited to results, solutions, problem identification, new ideas, visions.

Application-Specific CE for Smart Cities

Papers and presentations covering use cases and solutions for smart environments, including smart spaces, smart homes and smart cities.

RF, Wireless, and Network Technologies

RF, Wireless, and Network Technologies of CE Hardware and Software Systems (SPC)

Internet of Things, Internet of Everywhere, and Edge Computing

Internet of Things and Internet of Everywhere (IoT) - Papers and presentations presenting solutions which are specific to current problems in Internet of X.

Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, and Displays

Papers and presentations presenting specific HW and SW solutions used in gaming and entertainment systems and applications
Papers and presentations presenting solutions which are used in contexts of virtual and augmented reality.

Audio/Video Systems and Signal Processing

AV Systems, Image and Video, and Cameras and Acquisition (AVS) - Papers and presentations covering aspects of image processing, video processing, including algorithms and systems which help visual information be acquired, processed, transmitted and presented.

Automotive CE Applications

Automotive CT Applications (CTA) - Papers and presentation presenting software stacks, software architectures and software implementation solutions which are used or could be used in vehicles.

Sensors and Actuator Systems

Papers and presentations covering broad areas of hardware and software solutions for sensing and MEMS technologies.

Consumer Systems for Healthcare and Wellbeing

Papers and presentations covering HW and SW solutions, including platforms and systems, and applications for consumer healthcare and wellness.

Human-Machine Interaction and User Experience

Smartphone and Mobile Device Technologies

Papers and presentations presenting devices which are to be used or leased by consumers. Devices shall have a clear consumer use case in mind (to the likes of smart phone, TV, STB, radio, home automation equipment etc).

Machine Learning, Deep Learning and AI in CE

Papers and presentations on artificial intelligence solutions, helped by big data mining technologies, which help develop new intelligent use cases for consumers.

Entertainment and Gaming


Organizing committee core group
General Conference Chair
Lucio Ciabattoni (IT), Executive Chair

Velikic Gordana (SRB), Executive Co-Chair
Francisco Bellido Outeiriño Kiko (ES), Finance Chair
Danilo Pietro Pau (ITA), Industry Program Chair
Sato Hiroyuki (SPC), TPC Chair
Schumann Thomas (CEA), TPC Chair
Tonacci Alessandro (CSH), TPC Chair
Fong, Bernard (CEA), Publications Chair
Moreno-Garcia Isabel M. (SPC), Tutorials Chair
Pham The Bao (CSH), Workshops Chair
Alex De Cesare - Revolt Srl (ITA), Executive Co-Chair - Web Activities
Technical Program Committee
Dr. Anthony Adeyemi-Ejeye, University of Surrey
Mr. Nikolaos Athanasios Anagnostopoulos, TU Darmstadt
Ms. Marija Antic, University of Novi Sad
Prof. Amjad Anvari-Moghaddam, Aalborg University
Ms. Chatsarun Aruntanavong, National Taipei University of Technology
Prof. Sungwoo Bae, Hanyang University
Dr. Fabrizio Balducci, University of Bari "A. Moro"
Dr. Hany Bastawrous, The British University in Egypt
Dr. Lucia Billeci, Institute of Clinical Physiology (IFC) National Research Council of Italy (CNR)
Mr. Stanley Glenn Brucal, Asia Pacific College
Dr. Mingkai Chen, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications
Mr. Syifaul Fuada, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Dr. Curtis Gittens, University of the West Indies
Prof. Daniel Giusto, University of Cagliari
Dr. Yanlei Gu, Ritsumeikan University
Dr. Brij Gupta, National Institute of Technology Kurukshetra
Dr. Ryota Horie, Shibaura Institute of Technology
Dr. Chun-Hsian Huang, National Taitung University
Mr. Frankie Inguanez, Malta College of Arts, Science & Technology
Dr. Saher Javaid, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST)
Dr. Athanasios Kakarountas, University of Thessaly
Prof. Donghyun Kang, Changwon National University
Dr. Ivan Kastelan, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences
Mr. Po-Lin Lin, National United University
Dr. Xiaofeng Liu, Hohai University
Dr. Vicente Lucena, Federal University of Amazonas
Prof. Shahriar Mirabbasi, University of British Columbia
Mr. David Murphy, UCC
Dr. Humaira Nisar, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman
Prof. Fumitaka Ono, Tokyo Polytechnic University
Dr. Agnese Sbrollini, Università Politecnica delle Marche
Dr. Angelito Silverio, University of Santo Tomas
Dr. Mikiko Sode Tanaka, International College of Technology
Dr. Giuseppe Spampinato, ST Microelectronics
Dr. Susanna Spinsante, Università Politecnica delle Marche
Mr. Salvatore Tedesco, Tyndall National Institute
Dr. Julian Villegas, University of Aizu
Mr. Fu-Hai Frank Wu, National Tsing Hua University
Prof. Taku Yamazaki, Shibaura Institute of Technology
Dr. Toru Yano, Toshiba Corporation
CESoc Officers
President, Consumer Electronics Soc.
Wahab Almuhtadi (CAN)
CESoc Executive Director
Charlotte Kobert (USA)
VP of CE Conferences
Raed Abdullah (CAN)
Treasurer of CESoc
Branislav Djokic (CAN)
Co-Organizing Chairs and Officers
Uwe Kraus (DE), Publications
Konstantin Glasman (RU), Film and Video Production
Alexander Huhn (DE), Local Co-Chair
Stefanie Trott (DE), Student Activities
Tamara Peretyagina (DE), IFA Liason
International Advisors
Hans L. Cycon (DE)
Dietmar Hepper (DE)
Tom G B Wilson (CAN)
Stefan Mozar (AUS)
Simon Sherratt (UK)
Carsten Dolar, Bosch (DE)
Co-Organizing Chairs and Officers
Christian Gross, Local Chair, VDE/ITG Liaison
Benedikt Schmülling (DE), CESoc Germany Chapter Chair
Uwe Kraus (DE), Publications
Ivan Kastelan (SRB), Publications
Konstantin Glasman (RU), Film and Video Production
Alexander Huhn (DE), Local Chair
Stefanie Trott (DE), Student Activities
Shingo Yamaguchi (JP), Young Professionals
Lee Stogner (USA), Marketing and Social Media
Kousik Sankar, Asia Liaison
Tamara Peretyagina (DE), IFA Liason
International Advisors
Hans L. Cycon (DE)
Dietmar Hepper (DE)
Peter Corcoran (IRL)
Tom G B Wilson (CAN)
Stefan Mozar (AUS)
Simon Sherratt (UK)
Wen-Chung Kao (TW)
Saraju Mohanty (USA)
Carsten Dolar, Bosch (DE)

Event conduct and safety statement

IEEE believes that science, technology, and engineering are fundamental human activities, for which openness, international collaboration, and the free flow of talent and ideas are essential. Its meetings, conferences, and other events seek to enable engaging, thoughtprovoking conversations that support IEEE’s core mission of advancing technology for humanity. Accordingly, IEEE is committed to providing a safe, productive, and welcoming environment to all participants, including staff and vendors, at IEEE-related events. IEEE has no tolerance for discrimination, harassment, or bullying in any form at IEEE-related events. All participants have the right to pursue shared interests without harassment or discrimination in an environment that supports diversity and inclusion. Participants are expected to adhere to these principles and respect the rights of others. IEEE seeks to provide a secure environment at its events. Participants should report any behavior inconsistent with the principles outlined here, to on site staff, security or venue personnel, or to eventconduct@ieee.org.