ICCE Berlin 2025
14th IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics
6–8 September 2025 // Berlin, Germany
ICCE Berlin 2025 Banner

News and Announcements

Ladies and Gentlemen,

We cordially invite you to the 14th IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE-Berlin) taking place from 6-8 September 2025 as part of IFA (Internationale Funkausstellung Berlin), the leading tradeshow of consumer technology and electronics.

So what is ICCE-Berlin 2025 about?
It's all about innovation, digitalization of the society and industries in a sustainable and energy efficient way. It's also about collaborative advantage, the way we work together - not just in research which is the focus of the ICCE-Berlin 2025. Across the value chain it is about collaborative recognition of ecosystems and building multi-party ecosystems.

ICCE-Berlin is the scientific backbone of the IFA exhibition. So be ready for inspiring and exciteful exchange across consumer technology architecture domains including hardware and software systems, internet of things, human machine interface, sensors and actuators, machine learning & AI, quantum computing ... All of this will enable new and novel use cases and extended reality. The Metaverse has a clear vision of how to achieve all this, to unlock value - not just economic value, but value in terms of sustainability, energy efficiency, trust, readiness and digital inclusion.

It is our special pleasure that our conference this year is hosting the IEEE Second World Technology Summit (WTS). The WTS is an all keynote-level speaker event and features top executives from around the world who discuss burning issues surrounding specific topics and how to solve related immediate problems. Please note the topics covered in this installment of the summit.

We hope to see you all soon at the IEEE ICCE-Berlin 2025!

The Organizing Committee

Keynote Speakers

We are delighted to welcome the following keynote speakers to our conference:

Sven Schütt

Sven Schütt
IU Group, Germany

How consumer technologies and AI
disrupt and democratize education
on a global scale

The IEEE Consumer Technology Society is soliciting technical papers for oral and poster presentations at the 14th IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE-Berlin), taking place in presence in Berlin. ICCE-Berlin is the established forum for innovative research in all areas of consumer electronics and takes place in conjunction with the renowned International Trade Show on Consumer Electronics IFA (Internationale Funkausstellung Berlin), which opens its doors in Berlin September 5-9, 2025.

Boundaries between disciplines are breached and consumer electronics is a perfect example of multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary, and cross-technology work in action. The seed starts in fundamental sciences, nurtured via tools, management, units and empowered by services and systems, tailored by needs and desires, until it matures to off the shelf products. This year's event promises to continue the tradition of stimulating collaboration, sharing knowledge and exploring the latest trends and innovations in the dynamic field of consumer technology. In this light topics include, but are not limited to the following technical tracks.

Technical Tracks

  • Security and Privacy of CE Hardware and Software Systems
  • Consumer Power and Energy
  • Application-Specific CE for Smart Cities
  • RF, Wireless, and Network Technologies
  • Internet of Things, Internet of Everywhere, and Edge Computing
  • Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, and Displays
  • Audio/Video Systems and Signal Processing
  • Automotive CE Applications
  • Sensors and Actuator Systems
  • Consumer Systems for Healthcare and Wellbeing
  • Human-Machine Interaction and User Experience
  • Smartphone and Mobile Device Technologies
  • Machine Learning, Deep Learning and AI in CE
  • Entertainment and Gaming
The conference brings together an international audience of leading experts to present research findings, share visions and ideas, learn about the latest technologies, and build professional networks. Join us from September 6th to September 8th, 2025, for the 14th IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE-Berlin 2025) hosted in Berlin, Germany. This event includes many keynote speeches delivered by distinguished speakers from industry, academia and the public sector; panels and forums; technical sessions featuring peer-reviewed technical papers; sessions for practitioners, policy makers, and executives.

Previous Editions

2023 IEEE 13th International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE-Berlin 2023), 03-05.09.2023

2022 IEEE 12th International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE-Berlin 2022), 02-06.09.2022

2021 IEEE 11th International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE-Berlin 2021), 15-18.11.2021 (virtual)

2020 IEEE 10th International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE-Berlin 2020), 09-12.11.2020 (virtual)

2019 IEEE 9th International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE-Berlin 2019), 08-11.09.2019

2018 IEEE 8th International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE-Berlin 2018), 02-05.09.2018

2017 IEEE 7th International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE-Berlin 2017), 03-06.09.2017

2016 IEEE 6th International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE-Berlin 2016), 05-07.09.2016

2015 IEEE 5th International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE-Berlin 2015), 06-09.09.2015

2014 IEEE Fourth International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE-Berlin 2014), 07-10.09.2014

2013 IEEE Third International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE-Berlin 2013), 09-11.09.2013

2012 IEEE Second International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE-Berlin 2012), 03-05.09.2012

2011 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE-Berlin 2011), 06-08.09.2011

General Chair

Carsten Pinnow

Carsten Pinnow
Pinnow & Partner GmbH, Berlin, Ger

Stefan Mozar

Stefan Mozar
IEEE CTSoc Vice President
Operations and Planning, Australia

Executive Chair

Christian Gross

Christian Gross
IEEE CTSoc Regional Director EMEA
Blue Energy Group AG, Senden, BY, Ger

Technical Program Committee (TPC) Chair

Tolga Arul

Tolga Arul
University of Passau, Germany
TPC Chair

Moustafa Nawito

Moustafa Nawito
International University of Applied Sciences (IU)
Vice TPC Chair

WTS Chair

Michael Condry

Michael Condry, PhD, Life IEEE Fellow
IEEE IES, TEMS, Computer, and CTSoc
Chair, World Technology Summit

Publicity Chair

Matteo Anedda

Matteo Anedda
University of Cagliari, Italy
Publicity Chair

Nikolaos Athanisios Anagnostopoulos

Nikolaos Athanisios Anagnostopoulos
University of Passau, Germany
Publicity Vice Chair

Web Chair

Nico Mexis

Nico Mexis
University of Passau, Germany


Michael Jacobi

Michael Jacobi
Contagi AG, Germany

CTSoc Officers

Fabrice Labeau

Fabrice Labeau
President CTSoc, Canada

Wen-Chung Kao

Wen-Chung Kao
President-Past CTSoc, Taiwan

Wahab Almuhtadi

Wahab Almuhtadi
Parliamentarian CTSoc, Canada

Charlotte Kobert

Charlotte Kobert
Society Administrator, USA

Yu-Cheng Fan

Yu-Cheng Fan
Treasurer CTSoc, Taiwan

Shahriar Mirabbasi

Shahriar Mirabbasi
Secretary/Goverance Administration, Canada

Stefan Mozar

Stefan Mozar
Vice President Operations and Planning, Australia

Fawzi Behmann

Fawzi Behmann
Vice President Conferences, USA

Fabrizio Lamberti

Fabrizio Lamberti
Vice President Technical Activities, Italy

Michael Condry

Michael Condry, PhD
IEEE IES, TEMS, Computer, CTSoc
Chair, World Technology Summit

Norbert Herencsar

Norbert Herencsar
Vice President Publications, Czech Republic

Mahsa T. Pourazad

Mahsa T. Pourazad
Vice President Technical & Educational Activities, Canada

Raed Abdullah

Raed Abdullah
Vice President Membership, Canada

The IEEE Consumer Technology Society is soliciting technical papers for oral and poster presentations at the 14th IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE-Berlin), taking place in presence in Berlin. Authors are invited to submit original unpublished manuscripts resulting from research across all areas of consumer technology architecture domains such as hardware and software systems for consumer electronics and the security thereof, Internet of Things, human machine interaction, sensors and actuators, machine learning & AI, quantum computing etc.

Call for Papers.pdf

Peer Reviewed Technical Paper Submissions

Papers should address, but are not limited to, the following Technical Tracks:

  • Security and Privacy of CE Hardware and Software Systems

    Aspects and giving solutions and ideas to improve security and privacy in consumer technologies.

  • Consumer Power and Energy

    Aspects of energy management for consumer devices.
    This includes, but not limited to results, solutions, problem identification, new ideas, visions.

  • Application-Specific CE for Smart Cities

    Use cases and solutions for smart environments, including smart spaces, smart homes and smart cities.

  • Consumer Communications Networks and Connectivity

    Hardware and Software Systems for network, RF and other wireless technologies for consumer electronics

  • Internet of Things, Internet of Everywhere, and Edge Computing

    Internet of Things and Internet of Everywhere (IoT, IoE) - Solutions which are specific to current problems in Internet of X.

  • Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, and Metaverse

    Works presenting solutions which are used in contexts of virtual and augmented reality enabling the Metaverse.

  • Audio/Video Systems and Signal Processing

    Works covering aspects of image processing, video processing, including algorithms and systems which help visual information be acquired, processed, transmitted and presented.

  • Automotive CE Applications

    Works presenting software stacks, software architectures and software implementation solutions which are used or could be used in vehicles.

  • Sensors and Actuators

    Works covering broad areas of hardware and software solutions for sensing and MEMS technologies.

  • Consumer Systems for Healthcare and Wellbeing

    Works covering HW and SW solutions, including platforms and systems, and applications for consumer healthcare and wellness.

  • Human-Machine Interaction and User Experience

    Works presenting solutions, improvements and disruptive ideas improving user experience and the way humans interact with machines.

  • Smartphone and Mobile Device Technologies

    Works presenting devices which are to be used or leased by consumers. Devices shall have a clear consumer use case in mind (to the likes of smart phone, TV, STB, radio, home automation equipment etc).

  • Machine Learning, Deep Learning and AI in CE

    Works on artificial intelligence solutions, helped by big data mining technologies, which help develop new intelligent use cases for consumers.

  • Entertainment and Gaming

    Works presenting specific HW and SW solutions used in gaming and entertainment systems and applications

  • Quantum in Consumer Technology

    Works presenting use cases and solutions by integrating quantum computing into consumer electronics.

Submission Guidelines

To submit your full paper for consideration, please note the following important dates:

Full Paper Submission Date: 30 May 2025, 23:59 AoE
Notification of Acceptance Date: 27 June 2025
Final Paper Submission Date: 11 July 2025, 23:59 AoE
Conference Date: 6–8 September 2025

Please submit your paper electronically in the PDF format using the following submission link: https://edas.info/N33570

Authors are invited to submit original, unpublished manuscripts of 2- to 6-page length, including figures and references, with a 200-word abstract, written in English, using the 10-point font, double-column, single-space IEEE conference paper format. Previously published papers or papers under review for other conferences/journals should not be submitted for consideration. All papers must be submitted through the EDAS Conference and Journal Management System website.

Link to IEEE LaTeX conference templates

All technical papers that have been accepted, registered, and presented (including 2-page-, regular, special session and research forum papers) will be published in the ICCE Berlin 2025 Proceedings and submitted to IEEEXplore for indexing. A selected set of papers of the ICCE Berlin 2025 programme will be invited for re-submission to special issues of peer-reviewed journals (IEEE CE Magazine, IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics) based on reviewer’s feedback and quality of conference presentation.

If you have any questions regarding the submission of manuscripts,
please contact the Technical Program Chair.

We look forward to your contributions to the ICCE-Berlin 2025 conference.

The detailed program will be available here in due course.

Event conduct and safety statement

IEEE believes that science, technology, and engineering are fundamental human activities, for which openness, international collaboration, and the free flow of talent and ideas are essential. Its meetings, conferences, and other events seek to enable engaging, thoughtprovoking conversations that support IEEE’s core mission of advancing technology for humanity. Accordingly, IEEE is committed to providing a safe, productive, and welcoming environment to all participants, including staff and vendors, at IEEE-related events. IEEE has no tolerance for discrimination, harassment, or bullying in any form at IEEE-related events. All participants have the right to pursue shared interests without harassment or discrimination in an environment that supports diversity and inclusion. Participants are expected to adhere to these principles and respect the rights of others. IEEE seeks to provide a secure environment at its events.

To support this concept, IEEE has created a conduct and safety statement (PDF, 134 KB) that will become the IEEE credo for conferences, events, and meetings.

Participants should report any behavior inconsistent with the principles outlined here, to on-site staff, security or venue personnel, or to eventconduct@ieee.org.

For more information please visit the IEEE website.

Further registration details will be available here in due course.

Details will follow!

Woman with VR goggles

You are invited to participate and become a patron of ICCE Berlin 2025 hosted by IEEE.
The IEEE stands for the highest levels of technical achievement. And ICCE Berlin, the sister conference of ICCE Las Vegas of the IEEE Consumer Electronics Society, maintains that tradition of excellence in the consumer electronics space. Associating your brand with ICCE Berlin through patronage enhances your brand perception among a select group of the world’s top scientists, engineers, and executives.

We also offer our Access-Plus packages that will allow you to sponsor a poster session or keynote reaching out to the many graduate students and early-career researchers in our audience.
If you have any questions or would like us to customize a package just for your company, please contact Christian Gross.

The ICCE Berlin is located close to the IFA Berlin. It attracts a global mix of industry and academic participants and is an excellent opportunity to promote your company / organization to an audience of world-class researchers in the consumer electronics industry.

Patronage Packages

Engage the decision makers at ICCE Berlin 2025 on their major challenges and potential solutions you may have. Introduce your new product or service for the industry or remarket your existing product and services. Educate the market on your company’s capability to help further fine tune their existing operations and business strategies. Meet and network with active professionals and understand their current and real challenges over brainstorming sessions.

Platinum Patron ($10,000.00 USD)

  • Logo on conference web site, with link to company’s site or any page of company material
  • Recommend a keynote speaker for the conference
  • Option to briefly address the attendees
  • A full page color ad in the final conference program (online)
  • Patronage listing in final conference program to include brief company overview (online)
  • Prominent signage identifying company as a Platinum patron
  • Acknowledgment in opening address
  • Up to two invited presentations at a “special session”, including two full conference registrations
  • Option to add promotional materials to the conference bag (must be approved by IEEE)
  • Interview with the ICCE Berlin Moderator

Gold Patron ($7,500.00 USD)

  • Logo on conference web site, with link to company’s site or any page of company material
  • A full page black and white ad in the final conference program
  • Patronage listing in final conference program to include brief company overview
  • Prominent signage identifying company as a Gold patron
  • Acknowledgment in opening address
  • Up to two invited presentations at a “special session”, including two full conference registrations
  • Option to add promotional materials to the conference bag (must be approved by IEEE)

Silver Patron ($5,000.00 USD)

  • Logo on conference web site, with link to company’s site or any page of company material
  • A quarter page black and white ad in the final conference program
  • Patronage listing in final conference program to include brief company overview
  • Prominent signage identifying company as a Silver patron
  • Acknowledgment in opening address

Bronze Patron ($2,500.00 USD)

  • Logo on conference web site, with link to company’s site or any page of company material
  • Patronage listing in final conference program to include brief company overview
  • Prominent signage identifying company as a Bronze patron
  • Acknowledgment in opening address

Access Plus Program

  • You can extend your presence into the conference to directly reach out to the many graduate students and early-career researchers in our audience.
  • Note that you can obtain a 35% discount on any Access Plus package by combining with Platinum sponsorship.

Access Plus: Keynote ($7,500 USD)

  • Company keynote (up to 45 min)
  • Company promotion/recruitment desk or equivalent presence in the main conference room
  • Acknowledgment of company sponsorship at all morning and afternoon conference sessions
  • Acknowledgment in main conference program
  • Access Plus – Happy Hour Poster Session ($5,000 USD)
  • Company sponsorship of technical poster session aligned with company technology/business activity
  • Poster session with drinks bar (afternoon/evening)
  • Company promotion desk or equivalent presence in the poster session room or hallway area
  • Acknowledgment of company sponsorship at poster session introduction and announcements
  • Acknowledgment in main conference program

Access Plus: Break ($3,000 USD)

  • Company morning keynote (up to 45 minutes)
  • Company promotion desk or equivalent presence in the main conference room
  • Acknowledgment of company sponsorship at all following conference sessions
  • Acknowledgment in main conference program


Christian Gross

Christian Gross
IEEE CTSoc Regional Director EMEA
Blue Energy Group AG, Senden, BY, Ger